Friday, June 15, 2018

JUNE 2018

Dimarts 19 de Juny a les 10h tenim l'examen de recuperació i millora d'Anglès.


L'examen constarà de:



         U-1 Fashion / Negative Prefixes
         U-2 Landscapes / Extreme adjectives
         U-3 The Human Body
         U-4 Relationships

       - Past simple & Past Continuous contrast.

       - Present Perfect.
       - Present Perfect & FOR / SINCE.
       - Present Perfect & (just / ever / already / yet).
       - Past Simple (AGO / last).
       - Present Perfect & Past Simple.

       - Passive Voice (present simple passive / past simple passive).

-Writing (in past tenses) about a great holiday.


Els alumnes que volgueu també podeu fer un examen sobre el READER (llibre de lectura) All about Ireland. Si esteu interessats contacteu amb mi:


Si vols practicar per la recuperació de juny primer de tot, recorda de fer els exercicis del workbook, tot i que els tinguis fets, torna'ls a fer (tippex o esborra) i revisa que els tens fets correctament!

Aquí tens les respostes:

Click the link below to check your U-4 workbook answers:
Unit 4 - workbook answer key

Click the link below to check your U-3 workbook answers:
Unit 3 - workbook answer key
Unit 1  Workbook answers:

Més material...

Unit 2: 

Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Used to
Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Enllaços per practicar:

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Last Exam

4th of ESO C -  Wednesday 30th of May EXAM (U-8/Writing)
4th of ESO B - Thursday 31st of May EXAM (U-8/Writing)

Contents to revise for the exam (parts of U-8): 
 1. Vocabulary from the reading "Accidental Inventions"
              -stall / still / realize
              -phrasal verbs : RUN OUT OF /COME UP WITH / CATCH ON / MADE UP
 2. Passive  (present simple passive & past simple passive)
 3. Writing (Advantanges & Disadvantages Essay - too/either)
 4. Bring your notebook to the exam, I will pick them up.
(U-8 notebook notes need to include: reading/listening exercises; vocabulary exercises; passive notes and grammar table; p. 94 exercises 2-6 & p.95 ex. 7)

4th of ESO C/B Homework:
- Copy the grammar notes and grammar table (check previous post of this blog).
- Students book p. 94 exercises 2-6 & p.95 ex. 7.


4th of ESO B due to the lack of time, you won't need to hand in the notebook, but you do need to practise for the exam, specially exercises about passives.
Therefore, here you have p.94 from your students book execises with their answers, for you to check!

Click to open the document:
Passive exercises p. 94, answer key

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Accidental Inventions

Vocabulary from last day's listening

Find the words below in the text on StB. p.96, try to guess the meaning.  Then, use them to complete the sentences:

come up with / stall / made … up / catch on / realized

  1. When I got to the airport I _____________ I didn’t have my passport.
  2. Scientist haven’t ________________ with a cure for the common cold.
  3. I bought this coat from a market ______________.
  4. He didn’t know the answer so he _____________ it _________.
  5. The invention didn’t really __________________.

 PHRASAL VERBS in the text in p. 96  (vocabulary to learn!) Check the meaning from the text context.


(4th C students, if you missed last Wednesday's class, copy these notes on your notebook)


Which sentences are in active voice? Which in passive?

-They served the ice-cream in bowls.
-Ice-cream was served in bowls.

-Cervantes wrote Don Quijote.
-Don Quijote was written by Cervantes.

Complete the following sentences:

-Betty ran the toy company for 40 years.  > The _______________________________for 40 years.
-Finesse Remix _________________ by Bruno Mars in January 2018.

Complete this box about forming PASSIVE voice.


                    ________________ + _________________        (- 3rd column Irreg. V.)


Friday, May 04, 2018

Presentations _ Unit 4 workbook

Oral Presentations

Next Monday 7th of May you all need to make your presentations.
Check the corrections, check the pronuntiation of difficult words and prepare some set expressions (to start, to end it). Practice to see how long it takes you.

Remember you will be assessed on:

1Body language, looking to the audience, movement, interaction with audience.
2Speaking loud & clear; not too fast, not too slow. Avoid repetition.
3Content: answering the task, quality & quantity. Not too long, not too short. Register.
4Comprehensible pronunciation.
5Use of Visual aid. Use of the digital presentation as a guide & to illustrate what is said.

*4th ESO B we will be all together on Monday (no half-group) but anyway, group A students will do their presentations.


Unit 4 Test

4th ESO C - Wednesday 9th: Unit 4 Test
4th ESO B - Thursday 10th: Unit 4 Test

For this exam, you must revise:
-Relationships vocabulary (WB p. 90, first column)
-Present Perfect (just / already / yet / for / since / how long...).  (WB p. 70-72)
-Present Perfect and Past Simple contrast. (WB p. 72)

You will be asked to talk about an artist or a song / or to describe a relationship, writing a short paragraph.

On the day of the exam you must hand in the "Grammar Table" Photocopy and the workbook with U-4 exercises done and corrected (with a different colour pen).

Here you have the link to a document with all the corrections.

Workbook Unit 4 Answer Key (click to open!)

Friday, April 27, 2018

Homework for the first week of May

Congratulations again on your St. George Day performances, writings, etc.

This week has been a bit of a mess... So, I want to make sure everybody knows what you have to do for the next couple of weeks.
4th ESO C

Homework for Wednesday 2nd May:

-Complete the Present Perfect vs. Past Simple grammar table. (Photocopy)

-Workbook: pages 27-28-29-30 and page 73.
(Read p.72 if you have doubts and remember there is a complete Relationships vocabulary list on page 90).

Homework for "Speaking group B" only: 

- You must write a short paragraph describing the story in the "Hard 2 Face Reality" video we've seen today. Try to revise the relationships vocabulary first to use it in your writing. 

All of you should have your presentation ready for the second week of May (Monday 7th May)
Remember on Wednesday 9th May we'll do a test for Unit 4.
4th ESO B

Homework for Thursday 3rd of May:

-Complete the Present Perfect vs. Past Simple grammar table. (Photocopy)

All of you should have your presentation ready for the second week of May (Monday 7th May)
Remember on Thursday 10th May we'll do a test for Unit 4.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Song or poem presentation

Remember before Monday 16th you must send me your presentation about one of the songs in the photocopies or the one you chose.
Send it to

1. Prepare a short presentation  about one of these 5 texts with information you have found interesting about the song/poem. Use a digital tool of your choice: powerpoint, prezi, canva, padlet, linoit, etc... It can be about the meaning, the singer/writer, the life of the singer/writer, the videoclip, the vocabulary in it, etc. It must take you at least 5 min. to explain it (8 min. maximum). You choose, but don’t just copy from Wikipedia, use your words!
2. Prepare 4-5 questions about your presentation to ask your classmates after listening to your presentation.

Monday, March 19, 2018

EASTER HOMEWORK : "Love songs" & "All About South Africa"

REMEMBER, HOMEWORK to do over the EASTER BREAK, two parts:

A) Read all the songs and poems in the pack of photocopies. Do the activities explained in the "instruction" page.

B) "All about South Africa" read the first 4 Chapters, copy and check the selected vocabulary, and do the activities at the end of the two chapters pages 16-17 and pages 24-25 (on your notebook, only the answers).


More details about the READER and homework B:

There has been some trouble with the readers this year, finally, we will read "All About South Africa" from Burlington Books

All About South Africa - Information

Have you got any idea what these pictures/words mean?  

Remember, as homework you must read the first 4 Chapters, copy and check the selected vocabulary, and do the activities at the end of the two chapters pages 16-17 and pages 24-25 (on your notebook, only the answers).

Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary

Apartheid /  to set free  /  slaves  /  imprison  /  ancestors  /  settlers  /  "Howzit?" /   scurvy  /  straw mat  / limestone quarry  /    demonstrating  /  anthem  /  resigned  /  policy /  release  /  barbed wire /  gates  /   clicks /  evil  /  witch   /   doctor  /  widely held beliefs  / healers  / chiefs  / councillors  / drought  /  famine  /  disease  /  mischievous  /   tablecloth   / boasted   /  leaned  foward  /   beat  /  contest  /   provide   /   warrior   /   raise  /   advise

Sunday, March 18, 2018

U-4 Getting together

We are going to start talking about relationships... love, friendship, family, etc.

We'll have a look at a song we listened to but that we didn't have enough time to talk about.
Any clue about what the song is about?

The song was written after running into someone.
Who did Adele run into?
What did she decide to do then?

Listen first, to "Chasing Pavements" either to Aitana's cover or to Adele's original:

"Chasing Pavements"

I've made up my mind,
Don't need to think it over
If I'm wrong, I am right
Don't need to look no further,
This ain't lust
I know this is love

But if I tell the world
I'll never say enough
'cause it was not said to you
And that's exactly what I need to do
If I end up with you

Should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste
Even if I knew my place?
Should I leave it there?
Should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?

I build myself up
And fly around in circles
Waitin' as my heart drops
And my back begins to tingle
Finally, could this be it

Or should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste
Even if I knew my place?
Should I leave it there?

Should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasin' pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?

Unit 3 EXAM has proved, you haven't practised enough present perfect... And in U-4 we are going to go on using it. So please, if you've failed U-3 Test, go to the following links and practise!

present perfect with some irregular verbs

Asking questions with WH- Words:

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Unit 3 - Test

Hello 4th of ESO students!

For Unit 3 Test remember you need to study:


- From the "Anthony Joshua" Article.
- From the Theatre play.
Remember you have the "Mini-Vocabulary Test" photocopy to revise those two parts of vocabulary.
- Body parts (first part only of Unit 3 from the book).


- Form Present Perfect.
- Present Perfect and just/ever.
- Present Perfect and yet/already.


- Short paragraph about a health problem you've ever had. What was it? How did you feel?

Click the link below to check your U-3 workbook answers and correct them!
Unit 3 - workbook answer key

Click the link below to read the Mini-Vocabulary test exercises:
Mini-vocabulary Test


Ex. 1:
- arrested/ petty crime
- electronic tag
- days off
- council state
- compromise

Ex. 2:
- fallen out
- find out
- broke
- good catch
- keep___ ___ in the dark
- blackmail___
- alibi
- candlestick
- be up to something
- red herring

Friday, February 16, 2018

Anthony Joshua_From Wild Child to World Champion

Homework for 4th B, for Monday:

1. Read the article about Anthony Joshua.

2. Check the vocabulary you don't understand or you haven't heard before

3. Study these words from the "wordwise" section. Write them on the vocabulary section of your notebook (with a definition, sentence or example).

council state
to get into mischief
day off
petty crime
electronic tag
to turn down

4. Do the "Comprehension Check" exercise on your notebook. Copy the 5 sentences on your notebook and write the year when Anthony Joshua said them.

5. Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false ones on your notebook.

a) He was born in Nigeria but his dad is British.
b) His brother is a boxer, too.
c) He is an only child.
d) He goes cycling outside everyday.
e) He drinks 2 litres of water everyday.
f) He used to get into trouble when he was a teenager.
g) He and his friends got bored so they started practising sports.
h) He has never taken drugs.
i) His brother wanted to prevent hinm from getting into more trouble.
j) His first coach was called Ben. 
k) He has never lost a fight since 2013.
l) He doesn't go to parties anymore.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

U2 Exam Practice

You must study:

Landscape Vccabulary and Extreme adjective _ p. 86 Workbook.
Very and Absolutely modifying normal and extreme adjectives.
Past Simple vs. Past Continuous and "Used to" _ p. 69 Workbook.

You must be able to talk about your past.

To help you practise:

Extreme Adjectives:

Catherine and Rob are the broadcasters, they will introduce an story told by Tom.

 Tom will explain who he and his girlfriend went to the movies and then to have dinner. How was the cinema? And what about the movie? Did Tom and his girlfriend agree?

Strong adjectives - listening (6 Minutes English BBC)

Past Simple & Past Continuous Contrast:
Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Used to
Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Practise and... GOOD LUCK in the EXAM!

Check your notebook before the Exam!

Remember on the day of the exam you must hand me your notebooks. 
Make sure you have all the exercises, notes and vocabulary required.

On your notebook (for U2 Exam)

-         U1 Exam correction
-         Dictation (2 sentences)
-         U2, p. 20 Landscape Vocabulary exercises
-         p.21 Chang’s Reading
-         p.22 U2 Past s vs. Past Continuous contrast NOTES (with examples)
-         p.22 Grammar exercises
-         Irregular Verbs Exam correction
-         Sentences about Christmas traditions (used to )
-         p.23  USED to exercises
-         p.24  Reading “The secret village”
-         Vocabulary from this text in p.24
-         p. 25 Extreme Adjective Exercises
-         Sentences about you with Extreme Adjectives
-         Workbook p.16, ex. 4 (2 sentences)
-   Key Competences EXAM Assessment Criteria / Marking Grid
-   “It’s all over now” SONG
-  "Friends" S01E19 Photocopy, finish the exercise!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Friends _ Back to the 90s

We went back to the 90s in class, and we watched one "Friends" episode. It was episode 19 from the first season, one where Ross monkey gets away and all of them have to look for him.

You were asked to complete some sentences about the episode. Watch again some parts of the episode to get all the information. 

Friends S01E19 Back from the cinema

Friends S01E19 Searching for Marcel

Friends S01E19 Animal control girl & Prom Queen

Friends S01E19 Banana Box

                Complete the sentences:

     a)      Rachel _________________________ all the types of teas they have at the coffee house but the man hadn’t ordered tea.

     b)      Ross __________________ Marcel to bring him the food, and Rachel was paying no attention at all.

    c)       They had been to the cinema and the boys _____________________________________________ but the girls _____________________________________.

    d)      Ross, Chandler and Joey ______________________ pizza when Ross _____________ them about his plans to hit on Rachel.

    e)      Rachel and Marcel _____________________________ a soup-opera when Marcel “pooed” in Monica’s shoe. While Rachel _____________________ he _____________ away.

    f)       Rachel was describing Marcel to “Animal Control” when Ross_____________________________ .

    g)      While Rachel was telling Ross about how she had lost Marcel, Marcel _________________________ in the roof deck eating Mr. Heckles’ waffle.

h) Monica and Phoebe had just found Marcel, when the animal control girl ____________________ and ____________ Marcel. But suddenly, Phoebe_________________________________________ 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Improving our writing

We need to improve our writing, but first things first, do you know what you are expected to do in your key competences exam writing?

Here is the link to the Catalan version of the document we've read in class. 

More help with email structure

USED TO in songs...

The other day in class we listened to an old song performed by the Rolling Stones.

Check the lyrics:

It's all over now _ Video

Well, baby used to stay out all night long She made me cry, she done me wrong She hurt my eyes open, that's no lie Tables turn and now her turn to cry Because I used to love her, but it's all over now Because I used to love her, but it's all over now Well, she used to run around with every man in town She spent all my money, playing her high class game She put me out, it was a pity how I cried Tables turn and now her turn to cry Because I used to love her, but it's all over now Because I used to love her, but it's all over now Well, I used to wake the morning, get my breakfast in bed When I'd gotten worried she'd ease my aching head But now she's here and there, with every man in town Still trying to take me for that same old clown Because I used to love her, but it's all over now Because I used to love her, but it's all over now Because I used to love her, but it's all over now Because I used to love her, but it's all over now

Other songs with used to...

Don't you worry child (Acoustic)- Video

Have you listened to any other songs with this expression in them? Share it!

JUNE 2018

Dimarts 19 de Juny a les 10h tenim l'examen de recuperació i millora d'Anglès. RECUPERACIÓ 4t ESO: L'examen constarà de: ...